Monday, April 5, 2010


1. Pratham, India's largest NGO
2. Save a child

New enterpreneurs

1. After slogging over his bicycle-on-share concept for the last one year Ramesh, an IIM-Bangalore graduate, has finally introduced FreMo (freedom to move; India's [ Images ] first state-of-the-art bicycle sharing programme.He called it quits as the CEO of a non-banking finance company to pursue his eco-friendly passion.

2. Yashi Desai, Dipti Doshi and Frenny Shah run Idea Hub, an advertising agency that counts the likes of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals [ Get Quote ] amongst its clients.

3. Prashalee Gaikwad could have well been just another marketing and branding executive in a private corporation. But a strange twist of fate made her consider an alternative, if somewhat uncertain career. The 27-year-old media and management graduate is now following her heart and painting canvases in myriad colours.


Friday, April 2, 2010

USD - Crude - Gold Relationship

Dollar is international currency and when the dollar is weak (eg. USD falls from iUSD=45INR to 1USD=44INR) countries would be able to purchase more quantity of oil with lesser currency...however this is only when OPEC keep the prices stable

Crude oil is mainly traded in US dollars, and when the US dollar weakens the crude oil market participants (speculators, producers, refineries, etc.) push the price of crude higher on the expectations that oil producers are entitled to at least the same prices as before in their own currencies, after exchanging US dollars into their currency. In economics such relationships are explained by Purchasing Power Parity theory.

If the US dollar goes down, crude and oil will go up. Dollar rises, oil and gold usually go down. There are also other factors, inflation, recession and crude inventory, but those are the general rules.